Kite Links
Find The Joy of Kite Flying
With the support of our many customers and associates, our kites have made it as far as Tibet!
The following kite resources are from the American Kite Association (AKA). The AKA is not affiliated with The Kite Crew.
How to Fly a Kite by Glenn Davison
Great resource for running a kite workshop – a highly recommended read for background!
Kites in the Classroom by Glenn Davison
Great resource for teachers and students, including science and history of kites.
Kite Associations
A great online presence for kite enthusiasts — provides kite forums and many, many resources.
Thank you to Matthew, Jenny and the team at Vision Australia (Brisbane) for all their hard work on our bamboo and fibreglass struts, cane hoops, and tails.
TVP Australia: Our kites have made it as far away as Tibet!
Camp Quality: A children’s leukaemia charity.